Medora's Vacation Center is closed Nov 28-29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. For assistance with Black Friday purchases, please call 1-800-MEDORA-1 between Saturday, November 30, and Monday, December 2, or leave a voicemail, and a representative will get back to you.
The outlandish landscapes of western North Dakota are about 65 million years in the making. Today, this epic outdoor playground is a must-visit for hikers, bikers, horseback riders, and anyone with a love for fresh air and new horizons.
When Theodore Roosevelt came to Dakota Territory to hunt bison in 1883, he was a skinny, young, spectacled dude from New York. He could not have imagined how his adventure in this remote and unfamiliar place would forever alter the course of the nation.
This 150-mile trail traverses the Badlands, Little Missouri National Grasslands, private land, and the North and South Units of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
“The Bad Lands grade all the way from those that are almost rolling in character to those that are so fantastically broken in form and so bizarre in color as to seem hardly properly to belong to this earth.”
June 14 – Sept 8 | Buffet of brunch or dinner favorites and the world's best Theodore Roosevelt reprisor bringing America's legendary 26th President to life!